Wednesday, July 6, 2011


My mom and Aunt Sherri put all the baby clothes in the closet that used to not be a closet. It was an empty cupboard where the stove pipe used to go up to the roof. My dad built shelves and put some flooring in, and it's wonderful.

My parents came last week and got a BUNCH of items done on my "To Do" list:

-Re-hung a shelf that Suzee had pulled out of the wall.

-Re-hung cupboard doors downstairs that Bob had taken down because he likes using tools, but he couldn't figure out how to put them back up.

-Fixed drawers on 3 dressers that kids had "accidentally" broken.

-Built shelves and a closet rod for the babies.

-Boxed up winter stuff (I'm a little behind).

-Cleaned out the crib.

-Cooked and cleaned and got ready for a birthday celebration.

-Kept kids entertained.

-Got groceries.

-Stocked baby clothes and supplies on new shelves.

-Folded laundry.

-Got the golf cart un-stuck from a utility cable Janna backed into.

I feel like we're almost ready for babies now!

1 comment:

Shauna said...

awww. we have the best ma & pa (and aunt sherri)