We had Abbey and Emma's friend birthday party on Easter Saturday. Emma had invited 5 friends and 4 of them came. Abbey had invited 6 friends, and not one of them showed up. 2 of them had confirmed they would be coming, but they were no-shows. Emma's friends had all brought gifts for both of the girls, but Abbey was still pretty bummed. Last week she invited a friend over for swimming and hot dogs. We had a family dinner on their birthday over at Dad and Patty's house, and I think they really enjoyed it.
We spent 3 days in Mesa with both of our families for Jason and Candace's wedding on April 29, then Josh and Errin's wedding on April 30. We were going to drive home on Saturday night, but Jay fell asleep just driving from the reception to my parents house. We were in 2 separate cars, so we would both have to stay awake for the drive home. Richard and Chelsey were blessing baby Carmen on Sunday, so we attended their ward and lunch with family before we drove home Sunday afternoon.
While we were in Mesa, we took my ring in to get two stones replaced that had fallen out. We decided to take a chance and replace the June stone with another August stone in hopes that I will be able to keep these babies in until August. Also, Jay surprised me with a ruby pendant which is Jeremiah's birthstone. I was so happy and in shock. We got back so late from our little outing that my mom and sisters had dressed and fixed all my childrens' hair, and driven to the reception for Jason and Candace. Jay and I got there just in time for family pictures (which turned out very cute). Thank you mom and sisters. That was a lot of extra work.
For now, I have a sonogram every Thursday. One week they do a growth ultrasound to make sure the babies are staying the same size as each other. Both my doctor and the ultrasound technician are sure that the placentas fused at some point, so now they are functioning as one. The alternating week they check cervical length to make sure my cervix isn't shortening. I think they said if it gets shorter than 3 cm, that's a sign of pre-term labor. So far it has been at 4.5 cm and hasn't changed. I thought it would be really annoying to have to go to the doctor every week, but it has actually been very reassuring to me to see the babies every week. Another reassurance is feeling these boys move frequently. Sometimes I will start to worry, then feel a little kick, and I just smile.
One of the most frustrating things is that I am still nauseous. Mostly, I have really sensitive gag reflexes. 4 rotten milk sippy cups in one day can really push me over the edge. I have an anti-nausea medication I've been taking the last 3 weeks or so, and it helps with the nausea, but has a side effect of causing tiredness. As if I wasn't tired enough already.
Probably the most annoying thing to deal with is people who make rude or rather insensitive comments. I realize I am bigger than most people at 20 weeks along. I also know there are reasons I am bigger. I get asked at least 4 times a day when I am due, and get all kinds of off-the-wall comments about having so many kids. A lady 2 days ago told me I was huge and that she was as big as me when she was full-term. Thank you.
The store has been incredibly busy through the spring, and we're happy to be able to, for the most part, keep up with things.