Monday, November 24, 2008

Lilly's Life

is a rough one. Okay, she's just really active, not scared, clumsy or all of the above. Her injuries in chronological order:

January 29, 2004: Born

January 8, 2005: Knocked out a tooth falling down 2 steps

April 29, 2005: Black eye after falling off the counter
November 17, 2005: Stitches after hitting forehead on a bench
December 2, 2005: Broke her left arm when she fell off the couch and hit the door
December 9, 2006: Broke her left foot after pulling a bench on top of it

These were the only 2 I could find with Lilly's cast barely in the picture.

November 22, 2008: Broke her leg after pulling the TV on top of her (broke the TV too)

Along with all the other little bumps and bruises I don't have pictures of. She was sad about her broken leg, but is much happier now that the cast is on and she's mobile again.


Cami X said...

It's PINK! I love it! So glad to see her moving again.

Jenn said...

Poor Lilly!!! Give her a hug and kiss for me!

Torgersons said...

Holy cow. That's extremely accident-prone! I'm glad she's good now.

Sean Rickert said...

Oh man, I love the list, made me giggle a little to remember some of them. Lia and Sam loved the pink cast and can't wait to sign it! Tell her we love her!

Douglas Family said...

Wow, get that girl some stunt doubles to stop the madness! You better get some good insurance for her. I see a trend. Really though, hope she feels better soon and that mom and dad are prepared for the next crazy event that happens to her or a sibling. Do you have a backup TV?