Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baby Pictures

Joseph William Curtis
9:48 pm
6 lbs 1 oz
Head Down

John Henry Curtis
9:50 pm
5 lbs 5 oz

We delivered in the OR in case of emergency c-section since baby B was breech.

Joseph on the left, John on the right

Me with Joseph

Jay with John

Jay with Joseph

Rachel holding John

Me holding Joseph, Jay with John

John on the left, Joseph on the right

Once they gave me the epidural and started pitocin, everything went really fast.

At 7:30 I was dilated to 4

At 9:00 I felt some movement, so nurse checked and I was at 6

At 9:25 I felt more movement, but was going to wait to call the nurse. Jay pushed the button anyway, and when she checked me she said my bag of water was bulging, I was 9.5, and it was time to go to the OR NOW!

We rushed over to the OR and babies were born at 9:48 and 9:50!


Shauna said...

I love them. And just posted that last picture on my blog, if you don't mind. Good job mama!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm not sure what got more of my attention Jay's beard or the newborn twins!

Jenn said...

Congrats!!! Beautiful baby boys :)ps you looked super great!

Douglas Family said...

Congratulations! I love that they were born on John's bday and one is named John! How cool it that. So excited for you, just wish I could hold them both! Make sure you say yes whenever you are offered help!