Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hydrogen Peroxide

Remember that time last week when I tried to get a measuring cup out of the cupboard, and I accidentally spilled an open bottle of hydrogen peroxide on Suzee and myself. Typically that would be no big deal, but this bottle has been without a lid for quite some time, and had become "oxidized" or something. I rinsed right after it happened, but about 20 minutes later it BURNED! I called Jay who looked it up on the internet, and it said the only way to stop the burning was to flush for 15 minutes. Who has 15 minutes in the middle of dinner with 8 hungry children? I got plates served and then got Suzee and myself in the bath. Our feet and legs were getting round white patches where the hydrogen peroxide has spilled on us. Luckily, after the bath, the burning, and eventually the white spots, went away.

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